Rubrika: Cat transformation
Cat Crawls into Woman’s Lap and Decides to Choose Her After He’s Roamed Outside for a Long Time
Komentáře nejsou povolené u textu s názvem Cat Crawls into Woman’s Lap and Decides to Choose Her After He’s Roamed Outside for a Long Time
A cat crawled into a woman's lap and decided to choose her after he'd roamed around outside for a long time. Feta the catAshley @sprinkle.of.fetaFeta…
Kitten with ‚Pirate‘ Smile Comes Out of His Shell and Shines When He No Longer Needs to Hide
Komentáře nejsou povolené u textu s názvem Kitten with ‚Pirate‘ Smile Comes Out of His Shell and Shines When He No Longer Needs to Hide
Cat transformation
City dogs and city kitties rescue
One-eyed kitten
Pirate smile
Sweet tabby kitten
A kitten with a 'pirate' smile came out of his shell and began to shine when he no longer needed to hide. Uno the kitten…