Cat So Happy She Finds Comfortable Place for Her Kittens, Even Lets Sweet Dogs Kitten-sit Them

Komentáře nejsou povolené u textu s názvem Cat So Happy She Finds Comfortable Place for Her Kittens, Even Lets Sweet Dogs Kitten-sit Them
A cat was so happy that she landed a comfortable place for her kittens. She even let the resident dogs kitten-sit them. Angelica and her…

Cat Known for ‚Cattitude‘ Stands by the Door in Shelter Every Day Until She Lands Dream Home

Komentáře nejsou povolené u textu s názvem Cat Known for ‚Cattitude‘ Stands by the Door in Shelter Every Day Until She Lands Dream Home
A cat who was known for her 'cattitude', stood by the door in a shelter every day until she landed her dream home. Molly (formerly…